
Coming soon!

Check back for more resources – including a list of professionals & organizations I know and trust who are working in this area.

Graphic by @ComplexTraumaHealing

Trauma Responses

Encountering trauma in the kink community comes with its own considerations. Here is a framework I have been developing over the years to respond when trauma, triggers and distress come up in kink spaces.

Trauma & Memory

Processes in the brain when experiencing trauma or retraumatization can alter how the brain stores & retrieves memory.

Grounding Techniques

When triggered, using these kinds of techniques can help bring you back you into your body, helping you regain stability.

Therapeutic Techniques

There are different ways to treat trauma read about a few of them here. Remember different kinds of therapy will work for different types of people and traumas.

Kink Aware Frameworks

Encountering trauma in the kink community comes with its own considerations. Here are some helpful frameworks I have used or developed to use when responding as trauma, triggers and distress come up in kink spaces.

Kink-Aware Response Framework

While I find Mental Health First Aid to be a useful tool, I wanted to develop something that was a bit more pinpointed for kink communities to help reduce retraumatization in scenes.

  • Assess for distress
  • Give avenues of control/choice
  • Reassure safety & Release expectations
  • Encourage open communication
  • Evaluate for understanding.

Trauma Informed Care

I have been practicing trauma-informed care since 2014. It is not just one set of tools or a certification you take once and call yourself “competent”. It is an ever growing process of uncovering bias, responding with compassion & reducing retraumatization.

Have other resources to share?

Email to discuss adding your organization, website or listing to this site: