Messages of Divine Love:Ennui in the Outfield

May 20, 2024 / Game of Thrones Tarot

While it has been logistically difficult for me to post the Messages of Divine Love via this wordpress site, I’m wanted to give an alternative to having a substack subscription so I can better archive these for future reference. However, I will always be posting these to substack first:

Intro Notes to the Deck & Reading

Ooof….that title, right? I swear, as I was putting together the reading it kept beating against my ears like a drum, one of the ways the “messages” have shown up throughout my calling. So this one is just a direct quote with this explanation, all it takes is just one player bored and not paying attention in the outfield to lose the whole game.

Reverence is found in the act of showing up with your whole heart. Invested in the goodness of all, when you hold space for humanity’s interconnectedness, it’s like finding the true treasure hiding in plain sight. Once you’ve witnessed the true beauty of what holds us together, you can never unsee it. It will always be pulling you back no matter how cynical they try to make us.

The message this week is to not let the overwhelm or exhaustion cause us to abandon our missions before they even really start. We have to pay attention long enough to know when the ball is whizzing towards us. What matters most is to keep our wits about us and show up for our team.

Where We Are This Week

Six of Pentacles (R)

Root Chakra

What if some of the burnout you are feeling has been a form of avoidance? A way to stop yourself from finding yourself worthy? I say this only because this card reminds me so much of myself from 2015 to 2019. I was working so hard to make myself worthy that I worked myself into a corner where I no longer could protect my worth. For me, it had been a consequence of trauma, especially when professionals had told me I was to blame for all that happened to me. I threw myself into work that would make me worthy, good enough, to finally find love and harmony in my life again. It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom and finally, impossibly chose myself, that I started to see how deeply embedded that avoidance was – a mechanism of an old tower, one that equated sacrifice to goodness. No more, my friends. Be mindful of where your giving is to share your power or whether to convince you to have any at all.

Messages from our Guides

King of Cups

Crown Chakra

I laughed out loud when I pulled this card given how often it came up last week (both in the public Messages and in the Choose a Card on Patreon). For this to be right side up is a nod from the guides that we’ve been doing the work. We took the message seriously enough that we stopped drinking the poison and instead started recognizing our duty toward the nourishment of all. This is a critical moment where we choose to be the more compassionate leader who understands how to lead from a place that honors vulnerability instead of exploiting it. Well done!

Messages from Lady Gaia/Mother Earth


Crown Chakra

The best leaders are those who recognize their role in a greater purpose. Yes, it matters that we have gained emotional clarity and have learned to regulate our nervous systems. But it isn’t meant to be kept only to ourselves. It is all for a higher moment. This week Mother Earth is eager for you to feel connected to the surrounding connections. Feel the common ground beneath your feet, breathe the common air we all share, feel the warmth of the sun that supports us all, and hold reverence for the full face of the moon that glows for all of humanity, not just us. We are far more connected than we seem.

Messages from the Ancients

Five of Wands

Sacral Chakra

Notice in this card how one man is taking things very seriously and the other less so? That’s sort of the push/pull energy happening within your past right now. There is still an energy of “I’ll show them!” Like trying to gain the affection of a father figure long past or remaining in a profession because “that’s what our family does”. It’s one thing to pursue excellence because it challenges you to be better; it’s another to compete just to settle an old score. Once you stop trying to impress that mystical someone, the sooner you’ll understand how to use challenges to your advantage.

Messages from Our Future Selves

King of Swords (R)

Throat Chakra

In the kink world, there is a type of dominant man who fits this profile – the kind who is more invested in maintaining his power than ever admitting his faults or changing his ways. He struts through an event with an oversaturated ego, a flogger hanging from his belt on a carabiner, and a t-shirt that declares “Sadist” in pointy letters…so badass he has to announce it to everyone, especially himself. He’s in it for how much damage he can take out on others without getting arrested. Just like the terrible boss who makes you responsible for all their poor leadership choices, this is the energy from a future wave of patriarchy. The terrible treatment will continue until we find a way to join forces to overcome it. Remember, everything in “the future” is a reflection of what happens if we stay on the same trajectory – it can be changed through our collective choices.

Messages from Mother Mary

Four of Cups (R)

Third Eye Chakra

“Ennui in the outfield won’t win the game.” The gist is that we are in danger of taking our eyes off the prize (as the 5 of Wands indicates). If we are feeling disappointed, unimpressed, or cynical, we’re not going to be at our best when the ball comes to us…and guess what? It will. There is no such thing as a “safe position” when we are under this much global stress. There are no “two sides” when you’re on the team of humanity. We have a part to play, but we better be playing with a full heart instead of empty steam.


King of Pentacles

Solar Plexus Chakra

There is a new opportunity, person, or resource that is coming your way to prop you up. It is already in the undercurrent working its way toward you. It might be presented more as an aha moment, but it will become a crystalizing example of what you want to draw into your life. When the moment comes, just say yes – with enthusiasm and grace. Grasp it with both hands and believe that it is real.

Final Advice

Two of Cups (R)

Heart Chakra

Originally this felt like it would be a throat chakra message, but that was because it felt like the words “I love you” had been stunted, unable to be muttered. This is the signal you need that it is never too late to utter those words. Even if they are received differently than you had hoped. How many stories ended with these words stuck behind silenced lips? When spoken from the heart, without agenda or expectation, it is a brave expression of unconditional truth. It is the courage of the heart that will keep us going.

Parting words from a Geek Empress

This past week I kept feeling a call to direct us back toward different models of leadership. With the ICC recommending arrest warrants in the genocide happening in Palestine, we see the destruction and distrust the prior leadership models have brought us. Now, with Justice Alito and his more public displays of bias, we realize why these models aren’t good enough. They are run by greedy, unchecked bias that would rather leave people behind than admit that it’s wrong.

I can attest that when you come from a marginalized community (I’m bisexual, disabled, and Latina) we have to have increased resilience to withstand the very forces that seek to push us around, back into the old grooves and narratives of humanity. We know too many who have sided with the oppressor in times of strife. And while we hope it won’t happen to us, after everyone has congratulated themselves for hiring you as a “diverse candidate” they stonewall you from advancement or tear apart your ideas that could bring humane change to old institutions.

Often these forces make us doubt the value borne from the lived experience we have with the same systems. We carry that knowledge in our bones. Yet, our ancestors, ancients, and ascended elders have tapped this time as the moment to finally put that to good use…to break patterns for more than just our families. Instead of burrowing into our wins and losses, keeping our heads down so we can advance although we see our colleagues drowning…we could be showing up for each other, like this scene from A League of Their Own (Prime).

It’s only when the core of our belief reaches the point of burnout and exhaustion that the true ennui begins to set in. When we start hedging our bets, living a half-life, letting the tepid annoyances of cynicism start to seep into our bones at others’ expense, that’s when we start to lose the plot and the role we need to play in it. We’re so turned off by the bickering duality surrounding us that we’re in danger of turning a small challenge or even an innocent phrase into a full-blown boycott. We let the disappointment of superhuman expectations lead us into complacency, unable to react in time to stop the game-winning base hit as it whizzes past our glove.

We let this become the excuse for our disengagement. We take our eye off the ball because we have to “protect our peace”. I get it, friends. I need to protect mine too – but that doesn’t mean abandonment. It means not taking every slight seriously. It means owning that people sometimes give wrong answers. It means not responding to every baited bot with the power of a thousand suns. Eventually, we will run out of fuel and interest, worn down by powers that have been, are now, and always will be thirsty for control.

Remember, we always have time, talent, treasure, or togetherness to offer even in times when we feel like the world deserves less from us. New team members are arriving for us through the summer to help replenish us. Have faith, but especially believe in yourself.

No matter what this week brings know that I am with you, always, in love 💖

Spark the Heart Network (June 25 @ 5:30 pm)

I am finally ready to announce the date for the first meeting of this new Spark the Heart Network group.

  • What is it?
    • A virtual monthly support & networking membership group for soul-centered activists, leaders & helpers.
    • Members can sign up to present at a quarterly skillshare meeting to learn about each others’ experiences, services, and backgrounds to better exchange information and referrals.
    • The vision is to grow it into a framework that can support fundraising, volunteers, or resourcing for members’ mutual aid projects and outside charities nominated and voted on by the group at large.
  • Why is it needed?
    • Speaking from experience, we all need a place to regroup when the world gets to be too much. When disinformation has us doubting our knowledge systems makes us doubt our worth. Double that for anyone who works with vulnerable communities.
    • This is a space for sensitive souls to Let go of the hurt, gather our strength, straighten our crowns, and get back to the radical love we are here to give.
  • Who is this group designed for?
    • Those who have personal or professional experience as a community healer, activist, navigator, service provider, or leader?
    • Those who consider themselves heart-centered or soul-led in describing their approach to the world.
    • Anyone who feels called to contribute their skills to building a more loving world
    • Those looking to expand their networking of caring souls who don’t ignore the suffering of the world, but also need support in responding to it.

I am opening registration on Tuesday, May 27. Look for the link next week! Until then, if you have questions, please reach out over social media.

Meanwhile over on Patreon…

Messages of Divine Love will always remain free, but if you want to support my work financially, my Patreon offers some perks you might enjoy – including extra readings, behind-the-scenes posts, and more.

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