Messages of Divine Love: Horizons of Imperfection

June 10, 2024 / The Light Seer’s Tarot

While it has been logistically difficult for me to post the Messages of Divine Love via this wordpress site, I’m wanted to give an alternative to having a substack subscription so I can better archive these for future reference. However, I will always be posting these to substack first:

Intro Notes to the Deck & Reading

Oh, my friends, I cannot tell you how much more settled I feel in the harmony of my life. This week I went through Reiki Master training with a dear friend of mine, someone who has guided me through many openings in my life. I wouldn’t be able to fully describe all that I experienced…and so much of it was just for me…but I am so glad I followed my heart and completed this training. It only makes me better able to serve you all.

These cards were pulled in between the training, on a day I was processing a lot of inner healing. And while the message of “horizons of imperfection” might sound like a disappointing theme, there’s a rainbow of hope reminding us that the divine works through all things.

Our collective future will be built not from the models of perfection that patriarchy, capitalism, religion, and ableism taunt us with. It will be built by coming to terms with the gifts of our imperfection and allowing others to show up imperfect as well.

Times of crisis always bring together the most unlikely pairings, the most motley of crews. The challenge in our lifetimes will be to find love for the ones we’re with. No matter how much it seems like it shouldn’t work, if it does…lean into it and let the love of our humanity fill in the gaps.

Where We Are This Week

Five of Pentacles (R)

Heart Chakra

When we start enforcing our boundaries, inevitably we will find that certain doors are now closed to us. Instead of desperately knocking at doors not meant for us, we’ve finally started to see how these separations are blessings in disguise. If these doors are closed, locked, blocked it is because it won’t serve our highest good, no matter how hard we fight or how much we want it. Take this blessing of surrender as a sign that more welcoming spaces are waiting for us.

Messages from our Guides

Two of Swords

Throat Chakra

All of the planning and good intentions seem to go out the window the moment the overthinking starts. We have external forces pulling at us from different directions – capitalism wants its $2400 rent check, the family keeps asking why we can’t get our shit together, and online warriors nitpick at our every word. It’s easy to tell where all the mental energy is going, it’s even harder to hold our resolve while it’s happening. Hold to what is most important with your vision without scatting your magic to the wind. The mental assault will pass soon enough.

Messages from Lady Gaia/Mother Earth

Ten of Pentacles (R)

Sacral Chakra

As we step into our new roles, calling in our protection, and tentatively welcoming new soul families meant to help us, we will have to reckon with the inevitable imperfection that comes along with these new opportunities and personalities. It’s going to be rocky for a while, maybe even dysfunctional at first. Hold grace for everyone as we each learn, adapt, and ultimately master our roles. Allow for mistakes, imperfections, and experiments gone wrong. It will take some trial and error before we finally get it right. Lean into the sensational experience of a messy life.

Messages from the Ancients

Six of Pentacles

Solar Plexus Chakra

Part of the mantra that I repeat each day is “Just for today, I am as committed to my boundaries as I am generous with my talent.” When someone asks for my help, I put the same amount of effort into helping them as I would a paying client or a family member. While this ensured everyone I served felt seen, it took a lot out of me to be so deeply present and such a zealous advocate for everyone. Because I am naturally so generous with my talent, my power lies in my ability to choose who I serve, when, and how. To do this I have had to reconcile with the idea that I can’t help everyone – but I can help those who resonate most closely with these messages both in my professional and personal life. By being discerning with my energy, I’m able to devote myself in deeply supportive ways to the people and projects who will most benefit from that energy. The gift of choice is something that might be new to you or your lineage, so be both discerning and generous in the ways that serve your tangible energy the best.

Messages from Our Future Selves

Page of Pentacles (R)

Third Eye Chakra

Where is all that overwork going to get you, except in an early grave? I’m speaking directly to my hustle culture fiends out there – you know who you are – working yourself to the bone, tethered to measurements of worth that mattered when capitalism seemed more like Daddy Warbucks instead of the evil monstrosity we know it for now. Likewise, no matter what age you are, add in a few more years due to the cost of the pandemic in both our work and personal lives. We can’t keep up with the grind the way we used to – for good reason – it was always a distraction anyway. In the next few weeks, you might find yourself dancing to the same overwork tune, take a step out of that rhythm and find your own groove instead. The future will be built not by those who conform and restrict, but by those who lean into the wilds of our nature to grow and innovate.

Messages from Mother Mary

The Lovers

Crown Chakra

The Lovers might seem like a funny card for Mother Mary to share, but for me, it was a signal of divine confirmation. The Lovers is not just the union of two people in love, it’s the union of the self with the whole. The self in us with the whole of another – the other. Whether between two souls, our soul, and Source, or multiple souls over lifetimes, this union changes us – showing us a divine mirror of love, a breaking of the borders we constructed out of fear. This card is a sign to us that love is truly all around us, available to us at any time. Spend some time this week witnessing the divinity in another – their smile, their vulnerability, their hope – we each have it and each deserves to be seen.


The Empress

Root Chakra

Just like the body goes through changes when growing another human in pregnancy, we feel a growing need to prepare for the birth of a new world. The nesting instinct might mean we’re finally addressing those foundational issues in our lives (such as fixing the basement in my house) to make the space safer for this new arrival. This is meant to be a joyful welcoming, not a stressful task list. Listen to your body, go back to basics, and start removing the hazards that would take your eye off this new vision you are ushering into reality.

Final Advice

Eight of Swords (R)

Throat Chakra

Even though the messages of the external world are pulling at us, we have some lived experience we can lean on to get us through these times. Notice how the girl in the mirror is just a later, more restricted version of what we saw with the two of swords. Whereas here, you have broken free of those ropes – there are still triggers and traumas that keep coming up as you watch others get caught in the same traps. This is why our stories matter so much. It’s up to us to show those just entering this process that freedom is possible. Even if our voice is cracking, sharing our stories makes us stronger, taking back our power while empowering others walking the same path.

Parting words from a Geek Empress

Of course, this week would bring Pentacles and Swords, the two suits I least resonate with. I was almost ready to recast the reading when I noticed how it’s both of the major cards that deliver a divine anchor to inspire love, hope, and togetherness. The only way to overcome the anxieties of a dying world is to feel connected to those building a newer one.

This is easier said than done because even if we’re connected to all the best people, our programming tells us not to trust them, to compete against them, to presume that their imperfections will get in our way. And yet, if we are to live in a world where authenticity is celebrated, where we are safe to be our full selves, it means we are dealing with nothing but a horizon of imperfection. It’s gonna get messy before it gets easy.

Like Dungeons & Dragons, it doesn’t matter how much thought or preparation you bring into the quest, you’ll be hit with the unexpected, while grouped with an unlikely band of heroes – each with their flaws, strengths, imperfections, and untapped power. It’s up to us to find the good in one another as we share the wisdom in the new story we are creating together.

No matter what this week brings know that I am with you, always, in love 💖

Spark the Heart Network (June 25 @ 5:30 pm)

Registration is now open for the Spark the Heart Network group. The first meeting is on June 25, via Zoom.

The first topic we’ll be covering is So you have a calling…now what?!

  • What is it?
    • A virtual monthly support & networking membership group for soul-centered activists, leaders & helpers.
    • Members can sign up to present at a quarterly skillshare meeting to learn about each others’ experiences, services, and backgrounds to better exchange information and referrals.
    • The vision is to grow it into a framework that can support fundraising, volunteers, or resourcing for members’ mutual aid projects and outside charities nominated and voted on by the group at large.
  • Why is it needed?
    • Speaking from experience, we all need a place to regroup when the world gets to be too much. When disinformation has us doubting our knowledge systems makes us doubt our worth. Double that for anyone who works with vulnerable communities.
    • This is a space for sensitive souls to Let go of the hurt, gather our strength, straighten our crowns, and get back to the radical love we are here to give.
  • Who is this group designed for?
    • Those who have personal or professional experience as a community healer, activist, navigator, service provider, or leader?
    • Those who consider themselves heart-centered or soul-led in describing their approach to the world.
    • Anyone who feels called to contribute their skills to building a more loving world
    • Those looking to expand their network of caring souls who don’t ignore the suffering of the world, but also need support in responding to it.

Meanwhile over on Patreon…

Messages of Divine Love will always remain free, but if you want to support my work financially, my Patreon offers some perks you might enjoy – including extra readings, behind-the-scenes posts, and more.

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