Messages of Divine Love: The Cost of Growth

February 27, 2024 / The Psychic Tarot

While it has been logistically difficult for me to post the Messages of Divine Love via this wordpress site, I’m wanted to give an alternative to having a substack subscription so I can better archive these for future reference. However, I will always be posting these to substack first:

Intro Notes to the Deck & Reading

As is the cycle of the world, what goes up must come down. Last week started with such elation, even amidst the reluctance. Spirit was offering us something that experience had taught us to suspect. If we leaned into that opportunity, it might be a shock to the system to feel so…drained, empty, worn out.

Remember that even good things cause stress to the system. For those who have been love-starved, the glow of new attention might feel like an overload. For those who have been used to getting exploited in their jobs, the distrust of freedom can be a strong counter-reaction. It can be just as exhausting to hold so much good energy as it is to walk through the depths of the inner world. This week is about tending to the emotional costs of so much growth. We had an exhilarating test drive, but it revealed some wobbly motivations and some excessive noise.

But what matters is that even though there’s some work to do, we now know that our dreams are truly possible in this reality. Now it’s a matter of fixing the mechanisms we use to offer & receive this divine energy.

Where We Are This Week

Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

With all the influx of new energy lately, our solar plexus has been getting a workout. It might feel like we’ve taken one too many punches to the gut – truths revealed that change how we view ourselves, for example. Likewise, in extending those wings I talked about [last week] Yet, in the end, it’s meant to be a training exercise to strengthen the core of our empathy, self-worth, and responsibility for humanity. Training in this way is difficult, but eventually, the muscle memory will stick and it will get easier. Remember, practice makes perfect, but also takes time to let the energetic channels take hold too.

Messages from our Guides

Emotional Withdrawal/Eight of Cups (R)

Sacral Chakra

How many of you listened to the message from the guides last week? because I certainly didn’t and it came home to roost over the weekend. “The very gentle message from our guides is to not forego what is being offered just because it has the air of what came before it. This is an entirely new experience. Discernment is always advised, but that doesn’t mean disconnecting with the core part of us that recognizes a good thing when it arrives.” In questioning our deservingness, we give energy to the parts of us that are tethered to old dreams and beliefs, ones that our growth can never stand to go back to. The universe is telling us “yes, you are good enough for the new shiny being offered to you, all you have to do is leave behind the dissonance of the past.”

Messages from Lady Gaia/Mother Earth

Triumphant Success/Ace of Pentacles (R)

Throat Chakra

When it comes to matters of earth, how we steward our material world, our responsibilities, and our tangible connection to the divine, there is no room for stubbornness. Just by virtue of the changing nature of the world, the shifting weather, and the extremities of existential threat, there is no room to stubbornly draw a line in the sand. The winds will shift and make you chase that ideal until you faint from exhaustion. Instead, try to be more flexible in how we approach our problems, especially in how we communicate them. Consider approaches that challenge our assumptions and suddenly we’ll find the answers we didn’t even know we were looking for. 

Messages from the Ancients

Material Harvest/Nine of Pentacles

Root Chakra

With just the threads of belief that we’ve had, we’ve been able to accomplish more than we expected. Whether it’s the accomplishment of healing our ancestral lines or confronting old patterns from an unhealed version of ourselves, we have nurtured the soul to the point that the root chakra can finally relax a bit, to finally trust in the possibility, if not inevitability of abundance in this physical world, but especially in our relationships to ourselves.

Messages from Our Future Selves

Awareness/The Magician (R)

Third Eye Chakra

Last week we were following the star, catching our dreams in gossamer nets. This week, we’re a bit overworked, spiritually underfed, emotionally overwrought. Even though we have touched the tendrils of our Magic, we have a long way to go in our apprenticeship. Be careful about what you’re calling in right now and ensure it is done with a clear conscience, energetic consent, and reverent skill. Now is not the time to get sloppy with spells or rituals. Do the work, instead of thinking an ounce of courage is enough to master these new talents.

Messages from Mother Mary

Conflict & Defeat/Five of Swords (R)

Crown Chakra

I have had more than a few times this week where I was asleep for just a small amount of time and I ended up in a dual or a nightmare trap. Like old foes are coming back to haunt our futures. It is enough to make us reach for old patterns – which is sort of the point of why it is happening. When we are thrust into uncertain territory, uncharted waters, our responses kick in to keep us safe, to keep us alive. But we’ve been so used to being under siege that we don’t know when to stop fighting when to put the swords down and make good on the promises of a more united humanity. Mary’s message this week is consistent with the rest of the cards – a bridge between the promised abundance and the overwhelmed doubts that try to restrain and silence us. Even if you’re not yet ready to put the sword down, it’s time to contemplate what the next steps are once the battles are over and the conflicts are won…what comes next in the grand scheme of all this fighting? (Reminder, last week’s reading had this card in the final advice)


Prosperity Begins/Ace of Pentacles (R)

Heart Chakra

You have to stop taking responsibility for everyone else’s growth. Part of the lesson of this week is that you cannot force a seed to germinate and grow. You can make zero errors and still lose. We often worry too much about the risk of failure and instead forget to assess the risk of success. So what if you planted fifteen seeds and only twelve of them grew past their starter leaves? That is still abundance. It is not ours to know why some didn’t take it while others did. Instead, it; ‘s our job to tend to that growth that flourishes under our hands, instead of getting distracted with the false promises of perfection.

Final Advice

Accelerated Motion/Eight of Wands (R)

Solar Plexus Chakra

There is a natural ebb and flow of life. If we were to sustain the adrenaline endorphin high forever, we’d eventually burn ourselves up. We need a chance to recalibrate. In some instances, we don’t know our strength and in others, we have yet to fully realize that strength. Whichever it is, the slow-down is an intentional time to get right with the new energy coming into our world so it brings out our best and we can sustain even more of the good – not just for ourselves, but the collective.

Parting words from a Geek Empress

The cost of growth is the failure/success roller coaster that comes with it. Innovation doesn’t happen because we always play it safe. Sometimes we have a eureka moment just before it all goes explodey in our faces. That doesn’t mean it’s a failure or that it’s even gone forever. It just means we need to make some adjustments, take a different approach, adjust the math, and get the combination right. This is our mad scientist moment.

There are so many scientists to choose from, but I love Henry from Eureka! He embodies the spirit of discovery, along with the caution of wisdom. This is the sweet spot we need to land in this week. The cost of growth is that sometimes we’re grounded while we mend, repair, and regroup.

Growth is both messy and slow, painstakingly incremental, and altogether too fast. You walk away from the garden for a mere weekend and a new weed has taken over like a bully mobster. Don’t be deterred, this is how we learn. But truly, really, take this time to learn because once those blessings start flowing it may be hard to keep up!

No matter what happens this week, remember I am with you always in love 💖

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