Messages of Divine Love: The Spinning Compass

March 18, 2024 / The Unifying Consciousness Tarot

While it has been logistically difficult for me to post the Messages of Divine Love via this wordpress site, I’m wanted to give an alternative to having a substack subscription so I can better archive these for future reference. However, I will always be posting these to substack first:

Intro Notes to the Deck & Reading

This deck has been sitting on the periphery of my sacred space for a few months now. The blue roses and the sacred geometry are why I enjoy them. The interconnected flower of life design is particularly moving to me because of how much it integrates with the themes of my book (read more on Patreon). This week’s reading gives a vibrancy to the message during a week that is off to a bit of an energetic blah start.

Remember that part in Pirates of the Caribbean when Jack Sparrow’s compass doesn’t point north, but is giving mixed signals on the object(s) of his desire? This is the kind of conflicting energy I’ve been seeing around us. A draw toward a new life, a divine inspiration that is beckoning us…but a commitment to structures that bind us to particular choices are interfering with our judgment. We end up doubting our discipline and thus our path.  The what-ifs are gonna kill us.

Past defeats still linger in our bones to the point that it sours the wins we are getting. In a prior world, we might have been praised for such prowess, but in this one, if we aren’t aligned with our purpose it’s for naught. This week should serve as a reminder of the shifting winds of desire – that the only thing that will truly satisfy is aligning with a sense of divine purpose.

Hang on it’s gonna be a bit confusing for a bit longer (particularly through the time from the equinox through the full moon on the 25th). 

Where We Are This Week

Three of Pentacles (R)

Root Chakra

Back in the late 90’s when I was a sociology major at Loyola University one of the most valuable classes I ever took was Group Dynamics. It’s where I learned how interdependence is almost always one of the best ways for a group to achieve its aims. Here, the importance of the one has taken precedence of the importance of the many, where each person is pursuing their individual aims, no common purpose established. If you’re feeling a breakdown in the groups you might ordinarily turn to, look at whether you’re all still pursuing the same thing or whether it might be better for everyone to migrate to new groups that better serve our vision.

Messages from our Guides

The Star (R)

Crown Chakra

Ouch. It might seem a bit harsh, but right now the guides are calling us back to this time of immense darkness. Our propensity for escapism has led us to wander around in the dark, pulled by too many masters with too many demands. 30% of our paycheck to rent, 30% of our time to work 30% of our attention to friends, where will it end? The Star reversed has come up a few times since the beginning of the year. Now is the time to not despair in our bad hopes and misfortunes but instead to use this as a moment of feedback about our lack of direction. We need to get right with what we truly want if we’re going to find the guidance we seek.

Messages from Lady Gaia/Mother Earth

The Unknowable/Hierophant

Throat Chakra

I always keep the title card of every deck as an “unknowable” card, you know, just for the extra layer of chaos. I drew an extra card from the middle of the deck for context and here we are. Last week’s post focused almost entirely on the tangible model of leadership we are leaving for a future generation. Whether we have kids or not, we have to be mindful of how our actions today are going to impact future generations. This is the critical difference between a colonized (ie: old world/power & control) paradigm and one built from Mother Earth and her impact on the world. When we come from an interconnected point of view that serves as a direct challenge to a society that is built to dominate and control. Conversely, when we fail to examine the tendrils of those systems that exist within us, we are dooming future generations to create the legacy that we could have. So, while the shape of things to come is still forming, now is the time to examine our relationship with the old order to be mindful of what we choose to bring into the future.

Messages from the Ancients

Six of Wands (R)

Solar Plexus Chakra

The feeling of…ick…that has pervaded some of our spaces lately has felt like a lingering presence of judgment, heavy, distorted, discordant. This is not surprising given how many of us are breaking generational curses, coming face to face with pervasive patterns of lack and disassociation. So when we get that promotion we’ve been working for the past three years to secure, it feels…almost sour in the stomach. Not that it wasn’t hard-earned, but that now it means we’re responsible for laying off our co-workers in the next month. The old dreams have turned to ash in our mouths. This is a time of radical reconciliation in part because of the influence that the Mother Earth cards point to.

Messages from Our Future Selves


Third Eye Chakra

At this moment, right here, right now…you already know what you’ve been called to. Down deep inside of you is a pulsing memory in the core of your being that is pushing you to become someone bigger than you are right now. A grand vision for the world is locked inside of you – an essential component of the new world we all truly desire to be in is alive inside you – coiling around your spine, holding on for dear life in this thoughtless world we live in. The judgment card is here to put the gaze straight on you – to hold you accountable for this piece of the world’s soul that’s been entrusted to you. If you make bringing this vision into the world your goal, you will never be lost again. this is about facing the radical truth and choosing the path of purpose.

Messages from Mother Mary

Ace of Wands

Sacral Chakra

Pay attention to what ignites your soul – what gives you that squishy, soft, just-right feeling in your belly? What brings out your trust? What soothes your fears? That spirit, that energy is what you’re looking for. Once you reconcile with the old ashes of bitter victories, and pick up the thread of your life’s purpose, your commitment will ignite a new flame, a new safety, a new source of energy that will power you through to the new dynamics awaiting you. Mother Mary points to the future, but first, you need to spark this torch of loving truth to light the way.


Mind (King) of Cups

Heart Chakra

The King of Cups always asks us to slow down and consider the emotional impact of our choices. We are encouraged to care about the compassionate options, the ripple effects, and the traumatic impact of some of the options that we have planted into our vision. That means, for example, taking responsibility for the environmental impact of our choices or whether we are looking at the most equitable options. No matter what the vision is for the future, we’re asked to filter it through the lens of love to ensure we are pursuing an emotionally ethical and courageous path.

Final Advice

Soul (Page) of Pentacles

Root Chakra

Temples are still quaking, towers still crumbling, and mixed messages abound. It makes it hard to know where to go or who to believe. Right now, we are asked to ground into the soul of the earth herself. First, we have the equinox on Tuesday 3/19. This is a natural phenomenon of time that can inspire us to consider balance through our connectedness to each other. Secondly, we have the changing seasons. Whether yours are slowing down (hello, Australian friends!) or whether they are warming up (like here in Colorado with our false spring). Go outside and plant your feet in the ground and just feel how Mother Earth supports us every single day. Offer gratitude and connect with that soul that holds and protects us…how can we protect her (and each other)?

Parting words from a Geek Empress

As I write this on this Monday afternoon, later than I would have liked, I am struck by the awed hopelessness I have found around me lately. People are unwilling to offer each other the benefit of the doubt. Friends reaching for patterns I know they’ve been trying so hard to kick. Even the good things that have come into my life have soured in my mouth as I struggle with doing too much at once and nothing at all. Feelings of low self-worth creeping into the dark corners that had just been cleared out last month. WTF?

That self-doubt has been lingering for a while. “Am I supposed to be doing this?” we ask as we pass up yet another attractive offer that our old self would have wanted. We hear “no” so many times we wonder whether we were really on the right path to begin with.

Friends…I promise…this is what it’s like to be “on a calling”. The doubts are going to be ever-present. Naysayers are going to say that you’re not strong enough, smart enough, pretty, talented, or sane enough to do what you’re doing. But if you have got this itch inside of you, this precious idea that you were born to carry into this world, that will always be pushing for expression. And right now, it might feel impossible to have faith…reflected in the “The Star” reversed we’ve been seeing. This collective crisis of faith is entirely normal right when we are on the precipice of change.

This week is about resetting our compass to our true desire and our callings will fill in the rest. The energy is returning and when it does, we may not have time or space to make the kinds of adjustments we can now. Use this time to really get right with what we want.

No matter what happens this week, remember I am with you always in love 💖

Take a CLass

Surviving Your Tower Moment

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One comment

  1. […] Last week I wrote: The judgment card is here to put the gaze straight on you – to hold you accountable for this piece of the world’s soul that’s been entrusted to you. A lot of us did a deep dive and discovered wounded parts of ourselves that have been inflicting their judgment, telling us that we can’t/shouldn’t (the two most powerful curse words that society uses against us). This has finally revealed the shadow parts of ourselves that we can no longer hide from, the parts that need to be integrated into the whole. This week, the message from the future selves is the use this eclipse energy to find the strength to look ourselves in the mirror, to let go of the shards of hurt that keep bringing out the worst in us, and to allow ourselves to make peace with the devil within. […]

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