Messages of Divine Love: We Rise Together (or not at all)

March 11, 2024 / The Final Rose Tarot

While it has been logistically difficult for me to post the Messages of Divine Love via this wordpress site, I’m wanted to give an alternative to having a substack subscription so I can better archive these for future reference. However, I will always be posting these to substack first:

Intro Notes to the Deck & Reading

What I love about this week is how clear the message is, yet it’s delivered in a deliciously subversive way to patriarchy. I used The Final Rose Tarot, which is loosely based on The Bachelor. Now, while I’m familiar with the general tenor of the show I’ve never watched one episode all the way through. So this was an education for me.

Once I got a hit for the language it was using, it was so much easier to interpret. This week I’ll have a video where I “interview” this deck for the first time and you’ll see how quickly I start to pick up what it’s laying down. 

So far this deck has given me some extraordinary insight into a situation in my life that has been troubling me and it’s been dead-on for a few other readings I tried out with it. So, it may become a new regular favorite in my readings. 

Last week was tough, but as I explained in my reel over the weekend, that was so that we could finally start reaching out to the people who can help us build the communities we need.

Where We Are This Week

Eight of Rings (Pentacles)

Root Chakra

This past week showed me areas of my life where I’ve been neglectful of my talents and ambitions, but also areas that were too laden with expectation and guilt. This is where we’re starting this week – examining where we’re spending our precious and yet limited energy. Are you going through the motions in some areas of your life and overpouring yourself in others? This is less about “finding balance” and instead it’s about relieving some of the burden off your shoulders by rethinking how you allocate yourself among all the projects in your field of dreams. Are there some you can delegate? Others that you can enfold into other ideas? Consolidate so you don’t burn yourself out.

Messages from our Guides

Four of Mirrors (Swords)

Solar Plexus Chakra

Insecurity often makes our brains go a mile a minute, adding intensity to our existential worry. Instead of anticipating the worst, we are told to work on calming our nervous system. Our guides point to how we have been chosen as the friends and family of extraordinary people. Look to those who make you feel safe, and who give you room to find protection and rest. Find reassurance in the comfort of their gaze, the nurture of their touch. They chose you – yes, you! Let that rest become all the assurance you need – your value to someone’s heart matters more than the accomplishments rattling in your head.

Messages from Lady Gaia/Mother Earth

Knight of Rings (Pentacles)(R)

Throat Chakra

In this era of heroes, villains, destruction, and change, how we choose to conduct ourselves out in the world matters. Here, we are made aware that younger, smaller eyes are watching us. Whether we have children or not, the example that we are leaving for a younger generation matters. Are we going to be the ones who compete, whine, and play at conquest, or are we the ones who heal, connect, and happily break apart oppressive systems? Right now, we’ve been leaning toward the former rather than the latter…which is fine if the world is working for you right now. But if we’re here to create something new, then we need to make sure those intentions are directly supported by our words and actions.

Messages from the Ancients

Queen of Rings (Pentacles)

Heart Chakra

The ancients, the ancestors, and the ascended elders have all shown up to wish us well on the next big milestone of our lives. Everything they do is with love for us, pouring out their hearts into little gestures of good so we know we’re loved. The world is often too busy to tend to our hearts, which is why our ancestors walk with us, tucking little notes of love into our lunch boxes as they send us off for our first day of a brand new school. The future may be scary, but when we are surrounded by this much love, we know we can’t ever fail.

Messages from Our Future Selves

King of Mirrors (Swords) (R)

Third Eye Chakra

We are revealing how the patterns and practices of a wounded patriarchy keep grasping for control…desperate to find a stronghold. What was once so easy because of the relative isolation and indoctrination of communities is now starting to come apart. To anyone who is paying attention, attuned to the forces of the world, we see how desperately they are hanging on, how much more transparent they are in their counterattacks, hopeless hypocrisy driving the bus off a cliff. All we have to do is keep reflecting its sins back at it, over and over until they’re too blinded by the sunlight of our truth to regroup, too broken to deny their culpability. The easiest way to win against the King of Mirrors is to make him doubt what he sees…the same he’s done to all of us for millennia. All’s fair in love and war, right?

Messages from Mother Mary

Two of Rings (Pentacles) (R)

Crown Chakra

One of the easiest ways to topple patriarchy is to embrace the natural balance that should exist between the extremes of masculine & feminine (at the very least). Most of us have expressions of both within us and yet, the more we try to define (read: confine) those expressions of gender to a list of expectations, we are only empowering patriarchy to use those to promote continued inequality. Think of it this way, by telling men ‘this is what a man should be” we exclude anyone who might have a different expression, even coding it as “feminine” so that person can be rejected as “not man enough’. We see the same with the exclusion tactics used against anyone who is trans, nonbinary, or gender fluid. By forcing these strict lines, patriarchy still holds the reigns of supremacy – the easiest way is to break through those lines to reach for equality in each other.


Eight of Flutes (Cups)(R)

Sacral Chakra

When we are used to things going wrong, it’s hard to trust that things can ever go right again. Sometimes the harmful past, the patterns of harm we’re emerging from seem more reliable and sure than anything we can dream up for our tomorrows. We see this with voting right now. We haven’t allowed ourselves to see beyond the same systems that we were born into, but we’re starting to realize that for as much good as we thought we were doing, we often choose the familiar before the unknown. This week the undercurrent reminds us of where we’re chasing affirmation from the same leopards that would eat our faces if we turn back now.

Final Advice

Five of Rings (Pentacles)

Solar Plexus Chakra

When we are feeling pressured and under fire – not enough money, not enough security – we often turn our blame inward. There must be something wrong with me if I’m not feeling good about the world right now – is a trap designed to individualize our suffering, to isolate us, keep us apart from the community – navel-gazing. However, we need to name those forces that shove us into desperation, forcing us to choose between rent and food. Instead of shouldering the blame alone, we need to reckon with the systems, choices, and priorities that manipulate profit at the expense of our basic needs. Only together can we overcome. When the struggle is real, we must rise together.

Parting words from a Geek Empress

Thanks to the new moon in Pisces energy, we now can see through the manipulations of an old and dying world to find how it reinforces our separateness. Everything from the colonization of therapy to the messages embedded in our entertainment, we are starting to see how our insecurities are manifested not by our unworthiness but by our illusions of separation.

How many of us walk around with wounds of not enough/too much? How many of us get activated by criticism or a lack of money? How many times have we been told that we should be or do this, instead of being who we are? How often are we identified by our differences instead of our strengths? These are old wounds creeping in – the low-hanging fruit that tries to separate us and divide us.

But, we are defying that programming each time we reach for our internal wisdom, the power of our ancestors, and the protection of the community. And if you’re like me, having done some ancestral work recently – the finale of Echo probably left a powerful imprint. When we stand with those who came before us, those who are in the struggle now, we are pouring medicine into the wounds of our separation – reconnecting us to the whole. And like Maya, power is growing, rising with us all…that if we choose to stand connected, we can do anything.

And that, my friends…is already a triumph.

No matter what happens this week, remember I am with you always in love 💖

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